Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I don't wanna! I don't wanna!

I'm going back to school, and I know I'm already spreading myself thin. Let's see how long it takes before the white coats w/ the tranqs come to cart me off........ I have today to enjoy, than tomarrow school starts.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Quit giving these idiots money!!!!!!!

Alright I will take a brief detour from what this blog is about, and talk about something that just lights a fire under my ass. It's Barnum and Baily circus. Normally I'm all up for entertainment, as long as the animals are well cared for AND THERE ISN'T A TRACK RECORD OF IDIOCITY! People, really? They have been fined heavily, and there has been videos. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm kind of glad PETA got video of those idiots with bull hooks. They use fear and intimidation, and from what I understand use spaces too small to keep their animals. And if anyone goes to see them, is giving the abuse money to continue. I wouldn't mind if the following sanarios were to take place.
  1. Clean up their act. Pure and simple. These animals should be treated with respect. Sure bull hook them all you want, whip them all you want, because you'll end up dead, not me. Have these idiots not heard of circus animals going balistic and killing their handler(s)? And than the animal gets put down. It should be the idiot that get's taken out of the gene pool, and the animal gets retired to a sanctuary. Because I don't care how 'domesticated' an animal is. An animal is still an animal with animal insticts, including the ones that tell it to survive. And if the animal feels threatened and 'snaps' and you're in the way, you'll be a door mat. Because your the shortest route to getting away.
  2. TRAINING! You wouldn't leave your $25,000 pure bred what ever dog with someone with a track record with neglecting/killing their animals. Neither would you leave the care of your $500,000 horse to a complete novice who has no idea what they are doing. That spells disaster. So is leaving a barbarian in charge of an elephant. Because he thinks he is so big and so bad, he'll use the bull hook to intimidate a four ton elephant. These people need to be TAUGHT AND SHOWN WHAT HAPPENS! I think if they made a training video of all the people that got injured and killed by an elephant, there's a chance that they'll learn. They should show that they understand, elephants aren't to be triphaled with. Or any animal for that matter.
  3. FIRE PEOPLE! Really, your going to keep the same idiots around, even after it's been proven what they have done? If you did fire more often, it would set the standard of , 'You abuse an animal, your ass gets canned.'

I don't care barnum and baily are about 200 years old. I vote their animals should get snached and put in a sanctuary (You should see their track record, no one else gets these many and keeps their animals). Because that would happen to anyone else by now. And be forced to start all over. Than one of two things happen. One. they will finally learn that abuse will not be tolerated. Two. They go into stealth mode to abuse their animals again. We'll find out, we always will do. I don't always agree with PETA, but their showing the scuz balls for what they are worth. Which is nothing.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Screw you I'm going back to school!

Needless to say my job has stabbed me in the back countless times, and I'm fed up with disrespect. Alright in the toteum pole I'm low. But when I'm there when I'm supposed to be, and I help you clean up messes left by your other employees (I one time dragged my ass out of bed to be there by 11 to cover both morning and my night shifts. I left at 8 and crashed at home. Who else would do this? No one.) They seemed to have forgotten all the times I still came even though for other people. Oh well when there's 3 feet of snow (and I have a hinkering that we will get snow again. I will be surprised if we don't), don't leave messages on my answering machine because I DON'T WORK FOR YOU! So now I'm going back to school 0_o, I got hit in the head or I realy lost it! Oh well now I really will have time to get my certification with NARHA, CHA, and everyone else. And you will get to read more of my, hopefully regular blogs. How many times have I said that? Oh well. Let the educating comence!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

*Sigh* America will never learn

Seriously, when will America learn? First it was Zitac , now Hydroxi cut , and before that it was plastic #7, and before that it was the pet food contamination that killed hundreds of pets, and waayyy before that it was lead. Where has the quality control gone? Oh yea, I forgot it takes $$$ for that, and you would rather spend it on your holiday home in France, your private jet, your yaht, everything but the safety of the people who buy your products *head desk*. Can I move to Canada now where I don't have to be put in the catagory of 'Stupid American'?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow it has been awhile!

Wow. Life can give you a quick kick in the pants. I've trying to hide from life, but life just keeps on finding me... Why Can't it just go away? Anyways I figured I would do a very short post.

A couple of weeks ago the therapy program I volunteer for got a new horse. Alright she's on the fugly side, and fugly would have a field day picking her a part. But all we look, is a well mannered, sound, very sane and very patient horse. Beauty has nothing to do with it. You have the most conformationally perfect horse, that is drop dead gorgeous. But guess what? It doesn't matter if the horse is a homicidal maniac that is out for blood!

And last week, we have this black pony X that is part draft, and how many people does it take to get him to stand nicely by the mounting ramp? Three, almost four people. This horse has a split personality, I've been told he loves hippo and the kids. He just has his thoughts and opinions about the therapy. He's not dangerous, oh no. He's just stubborn, and has his 'my way or the high way moments.' And he stops after he realizes he won't have his way.